Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day Eleven, Very Tired...

I have to confess that today has not been a great day --although signing in to the blog just now has boosted my morale (more on that shortly).

On the down side, I am so, so tired right now.  Had to get up yesterday at 5am to do some travel for work, worked all day yesterday out of town until 7pm, then up again this morning at 4:50 am to make the trip back to the city I usually work in.  I'm kind of wired because I have so much to get done this week that can't wait, and I am just not sure that I'm winning the battle.  I had hoped to get to the gym today and it didn't happen.  Veggie consumption didn't make the target, although on the positive side I made up a nice healthy stir-fry for dinner tonight, so my total servings for the day came out to roughly four.  Did not stay within my weight watchers points targets --had a bit of a binge on some yoghurt-covered almonds, and am feeling slightly ashamed of that.

The morale boost came when I signed in and saw that some people are reading --and that many of you have accomplished some great things so far.  It makes me feel less alone in this journey --and inspired.  So thank you for reading, and for just being out there! 

This will be a short post tonight because I really need some time to unwind.  I am home tomorrow night, and will post again then.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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