Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day One - What I'm Doing and Why

From the age of 25 onward, I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life.  I've done Weight Watchers, the Atkins diet, LA weight loss, and I've also had gastric banding.  While the latter has enabled me to make a dent in the problem, I've hit a plateau for the last six months.  It's been a frustrating journey --and while I can make all the excuses that I want for the current state of affairs (and believe me, there are many) I can't deny that I still have a weight problem.  Excuses won't make it go away.

The one time I did successfully lose weight I was following the advice of a dietician who underscored the value of making vegetables a priority.  Her rationale was that if you consume the required number of vegetable servings first, you'll have gotten an important dose of valuable nutrients, and the high fibre content will fill you up so that you'll simply crave less junk food.  While I am no longer a client, and no longer living in the same city I'll give them a plug:  My problem today is that junk food is a real addiction for me, and I have used my stressful lifestyle to justify this addiction.

So what will this project entail?  Every day for a year I am going to blog about how I have made vegetables a priority in that day's food consumption.  I am hoping that by the end of the year I will be fifty pounds lighter.  I would also love to hear from anyone else who is doing something similar.

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